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What is Blockchain Technology? 
Posted on: Jul 26, 2022

Blockchain is a decentralized, immutable database that makes it easier to track assets and record transactions in a corporate network. An asset may be physical (such as a home, car, money, or land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding). On a blockchain network, practically anything of value may be recorded and traded, lowering risk and increasing efficiency for all parties.

Information is essential to business. It is best if it is received quickly and is accurate. Blockchain is the best technology for delivering that information because it offers real-time, shareable, and entirely transparent data that is kept on an immutable ledger and accessible exclusively to members of an permissoned network.

Among other things, a blockchain network can track orders, payments, accounts, and production.
Additionally, because everyone has access to the same version of the truth, you can see every aspect of a transaction from beginning to end, increasing your confidence and opening up new prospects.

Blockchain is a technology that logistics companies use to track and trace items as they move through the supply chain.
Blockchain technology has been put to the test as a foundation for digital currency exchange by government central banks and the international financial community.
As a foundation for smart contracts and other mechanisms for transferring and preserving intellectual property rights, blockchain is also being used by a number of businesses, including the legal sector and the entertainment sector.

In fact, a lot of businesses are looking into blockchain-based applications as a safe and economical solution to build and run a distributed database and keep track of all kinds of digital transactions. As a result, blockchain is becoming more and more recognized as a method for safely tracking and exchanging data across various commercial enterprises.

Fundamentals of a Blockchain

Distributed ledgers networks

The distributed ledger’s immutable record of transactions is available to all users of the network. This shared ledger eliminates the duplication of effort that is typical of conventional corporate networks by simply recording transactions once.

Immutable records

Once a transaction has been added to the shared ledger, it cannot be altered or modified by any participant. If there is an error in a transaction record, the problem must be fixed by adding a new transaction, after which both transactions are made available.

Useful contracts (Smart contracts)

A smart contract is a collection of instructions that is automatically carried out and stored on the blockchain to speed up transactions. A smart contract can specify terms for the payment of trip insurance, specify criteria for corporate bond transfers, and much more.

How Blockchain Works

There are two different kinds of records found in a blockchain ledger: blocks and individual transactions. A header and data related to transactions that occurred within a specific time frame are included in the first block. A hash, which is an alphanumeric string, is made possible by the timestamp of the block.

Each additional block in the ledger calculates its own hash using the hash of the block before it after the first one has been established.

A procedure known as validation or consensus must be used to compute the legitimacy of a new block before it can be added to the chain. At this stage of the blockchain process, the hash of the new block must be verified as accurate by a majority of network nodes. Every copy of the blockchain is guaranteed by consensus. Consensus ensures that the state of the distributed ledger on a blockchain is consistent across all copies.

After a block has been added, it can only be referred; it cannot be altered.

The hashes for the preceding and next blocks will also change if a block is attempted to be swapped out, which will mess up the shared state of the ledger.

When consensus is no longer achievable, the network’s other computers are alerted to the issue and no new blocks will be added to the chain until it is fixed.

Usually, the offending block is eliminated, and the consensus procedure is repeated.

Types of Blockchain Networks

Public blockchain networks

A public blockchain, like the one used by Bitcoin, is one that anybody may join and use. Potential drawbacks include the need for a lot of computational power, a lack of privacy for transactions, and shoddy security. These are crucial factors to take into account for blockchain use cases in businesses.

Private blockchain networks

A decentralized peer-to-peer network, a private blockchain network is analogous to a public blockchain network.
A single organization, however, controls the network’s governance, executing a consensus procedure and managing the shared ledger. Depending on the use case, this can greatly increase participant confidence and trust. Running a private blockchain behind a company firewall and even hosting it on-site are also options.

Permissioned blockchain networks

A permissioned blockchain network is typically created by businesses who create a private blockchain. It’s crucial to remember that permissioned blockchain networks can also exist in public blockchain networks. Due to these limitations, only certain kinds of network users and transactions are permitted to take part. An invitation or permission must be obtained before joining by participants.

Consortium blockchains

The duties of keeping a blockchain up to date might be split among several groups. The individuals who are allowed to submit transactions or access the data are chosen beforehand by these organizations. A consortium blockchain is the best option for businesses where all participants must have permissions and share ownership of the blockchain.


  1. Probably the most important benefit is security. A blockchain is almost uncorruptible due to the information being exchanged and constantly reconciled by hundreds or even millions of computers. Additionally, blockchain lacks a single point of failure.
  2. Compared to non-DLT-based transactional systems, transactions can be more efficient, yet public blockchains occasionally have poor speeds and inefficiency.
  3. It is resilient because every node has a copy of the ledger, therefore there is no issue if one goes down.
  4. It fosters confidence among network users. Data is hard to erase or alter because confirmed blocks are exceedingly difficult to reverse.
  5. It can be economical since it frequently lowers transactional costs by doing away with middlemen and third parties.

Uses Cases

As more businesses across numerous industries learn to use it, blockchain continues to develop and acquire adoption, much like all other emerging technology. Examples of its applications in the business world include: promoting innovation in the oil and gas sector; raising consumer confidence in retailer-supplier relationships; improving healthcare outcomes; and enhancing cryptocurrency security in financial services, among other things.

Global leaders in blockchain adoption continue to be banks and other financial organizations. Other sectors, like healthcare, government, and technology, are expanding their usage of blockchain to allow for the safe interchange of data like real estate records, downloaded entertainment, and personal health information.

Blockchain has the potential to be used by manufacturing companies and other industries to manage smart contracts and track commodities as they move through supply chains.


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